Hikvision ds-7204hghi-sh manual
Visualizza gratuitamente il manuale Hikvision DS-7204HGHI-SH oppure richiedilo ad altri proprietari Hikvision DS-7204HGHI-SH. Hai domande sul Hikvision DS-7204HGHI-SH o hai bisogno di aiuto? Fai qui la tua domanda. Fornisci una descrizione chiara e completa del problema e della domanda. DS-7200HGHI-SH. Series. view mode; l Support up to 16-ch synchronous playback at 1080P resolution; and reverse playback for multi-camera; l Smart playback to go through less effective information; l Manual video quality diagnostics; l Weight (without hard disks). DS-7204HGHI-SH. DS-7204HGHI-SH. HDTVI Digital Video Recorder. HIKVISION HIWATCH Universal HDTVI & Analogue DVR. Mini format. It has 4 video inputs by BNC connection, allowing HDTVI or CVBS analogue cameras at the same Various recording methods: Manual, scheduled, by motion detection. DS-7204HVI-S Series Net DVR User Manual (V2.0). Thank you for purchasing Hikvision Net DVR. The contents in this manual are subject to change without notice. Hikvision assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions and specifically disclaims any losses, or risks incurred as a DS-7200HGHI-SH series DVR (Digital Video Recorder) is a new generation recorder developed by Hikvision independently which can connect HD analog/network cameras and Coaxitron cameras and provide powerful surveillance. Combined with multiple advanced technologies Free download of your Hikvision DS-7204HGHI-SH User Manual. Still need help after reading the user manual? Post your question in our forums. To achieve meaningful questions, we apply the following rules: First, read the manual; Check if your question has been asked previously
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