Instructional coaches performance assessment














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Evaluation Procedures for Instructional Coaches ..12 academic performance of all students. The Instructional Coach Performance Evaluation Rubric is intended to be scored holistically. This means that evaluators will assess which level provides the primary purpose of the Instructional coach Evaluation Protocol is to promote growth in effective practice that ultimately increases student performance. Instructional Coach Expanded Rubric to Support Professional Growth. Created, reviewed and revised by the Performance Appraisal Action Team of RCSD Coaches Supervisor emails employee review form and schedules meeting to review and finalize performance process by June 30th of each year. The final evaluation, along. Instructional Coach Evaluation Rubric. Domain A: Professional Relationships. Competencies. Highly Effective (4). At level 4 a coach fulfills most.The coach performance rubric can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional coaches. This rubric allows them to receive feedback, similar to the Self-Assessment of Practice for Instructional Coaches Rubric framework for teaching, the level of performance that best reflects your own assessment. . Instructional coach has no clear goals for supporting the instructional program, or they are not based on student achievement data, and are inappropriate to

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